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1x0 – My Fair Munster: Unaired Pilot

The original unaired pilot presentation. Filmed in color by Universal Studios to shop to the networks.

Dhcdlxdz7qgg55kr8ygbelybifj 1x1 – Das Kostümfest

The Munsters are invited to a masquerade dance party.

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Cxbndcqk5b6mozxoemquq3fnhtm 1x2 – Der Liebestrank

Herman and Lily accidentally take a love potion, becoming seductive and irresistible.

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2wdrgeallwn1nopxzrld9elmtrl 1x3 – Schlaflose Nächte

Herman is taking short walks at the park during the night, as a remedy to his stress and insomnia. When other walkers see him, they are scared, telling the police that a monster is free at the park, along with a dangerous thief.

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4zxckvi7w0tkznnn2emjfhzawbo 1x4 – Vaterfreuden

Herman believes that Lily's expecting a child.

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El6uuxt0otatftkz6n1mndz3hzs 1x5 – Die Gasleitung

A new pipeline must be installed underneath the Munsters' house, but Herman and Grandpa are having their doubts about it.

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Pyoxrcjhmgxotc9kj2gnrycovsb 1x6 – Die Diät

Herman is invited to a reunion of his old army outfit but finds himself unable to fit into his old uniform. Lily will only allow him to go if he goes on a diet. When Dr. Dudley tells him to loose a hundred pounds in a week, Herman resolves to only consume water and vitamins. Unfortunately, the last day of his diet coincides with Thanksgiving.

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2dwv7h4gncdc4hda44rvoyztttg 1x7 – Der Roboter

The school supervisor wants to expel Eddie from school. So, Eddie and Grandpa make a robot for the school science fair.

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Gupf77glrxs5f0a0e8ei3mffgnl 1x8 – Das maskierte Wunder

Herman becomes a wrestler, in order to gain some extra money for Eddie's future education.

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1wku97n18x8mpfhn96daspymvbi 1x9 – Der Zwillingsbruder

Herman's twin brother, Charlie, is visiting the family with a silly machine. Charlie claims that the machine can get uranium from seawater. But Herman is very upset and uncomfortable with Charlie's visit.

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Jrfwe3qiwbesrktptaeqz1gjceg 1x10 – Auf Freiersfüßen

Grandpa wants to marry again, because he's feeling lonely. He looks for a fiancée in a matrimonial agency. Herman is against it, but Grandpa gets fascinated with a woman who is a fraudulent lady from the agency; she is plotting to kill him and get his money.

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Plow3nkgzntzscqtnpbu2x38h7v 1x11 – Der Komplize

After a midnight visit to the drive-in, Herman falls asleep in the family's Cadillac (not the Munster's Koach). The car is promptly stolen to be used as a getaway car on a bank job. When Herman awakens, the thieves mistake him for their getaway driver, Big Louie.

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Fxkaptfrudlhzckorqnlviw0iwq 1x12 – Ein Prinz für Marilyn

Grandpa has invented a new instant gasoline pill, but difficulties come when Marilyn drinks by accident the Sleeping Beauty potion.

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Boakxb9nfdcs0stmnchoqyxvodh 1x13 – Familienbande

The Munsters are the winners of a contest organized by a magazine, as the American Average Family of the year. Two reporters are sent to the house in order to take a family portrait.

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Irggkhy41x7hklgsx8qpwf2cwvl 1x14 – Verletzte Eitelkeit

Grandpa leaves home after having a fight with Herman.

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Cc9u2hxcwilltwmcx0vdu6zggy8 1x15 – Der Rivale

Lily gets a job because she thinks that Herman is bankrupt.

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Gjx2dvamp1j1zou4vka5u0xxwif 1x16 – Ruf der Wildnis

The Munsters are camping in the woods. Everything goes well until Grandpa starts to feel homesick after hearing a coyote howling.

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Mq4wmeyzglh0wwcitf6tj862gui 1x17 – Aufnahme ins College-Team

Marilyn is sent home from college because her tuition has not been fully paid. Herman goes to talk to the dean, but is mistaken for college basketball recruit Moose Mallory and is tricked into signing up. When the real Moose and his hick father are sent home by the coach, they decide to take out their grievance on Herman Munster.

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Lqmmr3mzvwtvndovpgbwzg20zub 1x18 – Stimmen aus dem All

Herman has a new Ham radio and picks up two friends of Eddie playing Spacemen on their walkie talkies. Thinking Martians have landed, he and Grandpa go out searching for spaceships using the latter's radio direction finder.

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Efvevgbatnfyxirhyiklinewyrb 1x19 – Eddies Spitzname

Eddie comes home upset because of his new nickname: 'Shorty', so Grandpa gives him a 'magic milkshake' that will make him grow 6 inches overnight. It grows him a six inch beard instead.

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Oq6bxevdyylvdu3vquzj2rhfics 1x20 – Das Verhängnis

When Eddie brings the family pet bat Igor to school for the Pet Fair Playground, he does not realize it's really Grandpa in disguise, and trades him for the weekend with a classmate.

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T3rkqx5ef8nxblqwxiqpaxnknbh 1x21 – Der Bankraub

After they have been mistaken for bank robbers, Herman and Grandpa want to return the money given to them by mistake.

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Yunsdaiiglebvdfks2uqkcc3vrr 1x22 – Die Tanzstunde

Herman decides to take dance classes, in order to attend a dance party at Marilyn's school.

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7clf619trbn3thscq2hwkapy9uz 1x23 – Herman auf Schleichwegen

Herman wants to become a detective, in order to earn some extra money for his family.

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P0pxnyx9a8lldoadvpcpfs8y7ok 1x24 – Der Ehekrach

Lilly won't feed, speak to or let Herman into their bedroom after he comes home from an office party past midnight. After four days and nights of this, Marilyn and Grandpa separately encourage Lilly and Herman to see (the same) marriage councilor.

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41lu7l3eiabmga7i8uhiy8ofdov 1x25 – Opas Affen-Zirkus

A little friend of Eddie visits the Munsters' house, with the surprise that he's a very rude and mischievous child.

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Nnmfmmi10s7vfz1nxcpkujbie72 1x26 – Rock im Munster-Haus

The Munsters rent their house to a rock group.

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Hqigzc7pvhohfsov0y9mwfayynt 1x27 – Die Beförderung

Herman gets a promotion in the parlor, but he and the family will have to move to Buffalo and sell the house.

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8iot7jpltz6c8tmmlltc0ttf1cv 1x28 – Die Filmkarriere

Herman's opportunity to become a film star is knocking on the door.

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Zbqmvl7smaytxjjldsjxz8nlyex 1x29 – Das Talent

Herman's powerful arm could take him to the Baseball Big Leagues.

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Kpfqavq10h54clrtoghujo65nip 1x30 – Der Golfclub

The Munsters win a membership for the fancy Country Club.

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5vvoh8dt4kspnppspqqoicgwuuy 1x31 – Das liebe Geld

Marilyn falls in love with a young bank clerk.

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Sc9uqwxdit6xt9gwiauyxht0aza 1x32 – Die Mumie

After Herman takes one sleeping pill, he accidentally falls asleep inside of an Egyptian sarcophagus.

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Jek6gyv1jgbkvaaidjknqqmmzan 1x33 – Die Modenschau

Lily wants to do something with her spare time and she finds a job as a model. Herman gets angry and jealous, because he believes that all the men will admire her. Using his magic potions, Grandpa turns into a woman, in order to help Herman in a plan to make Lily jealous.

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Jgirgmjbnpwiafqzrk3yv4yyefh 1x34 – Der Zauberlehrling

Herman becomes a magician to participate in a talent show of Eddie's school.

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Rtdggbmhz2fnhqrcuish19ifsca 1x35 – Das Feriendomizil

When Herman buys ten acres of land in Happy Holliday Valley from a crooked magazine ad, the family is delighted to find it a complete wasteland. But the con artists want to get the land back when they can strike a deal to sell the area for use as a missile site. So, they decide to scare the Munsters off.

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Sixde5tewyozzrlplyfmtfnplwo 1x36 – Das Autorennen

Eddie tells his friend Sandy Baylor that his father can beat Mr. Baylor at the Mockingbird Heights drag strip. Instead, Herman ends up losing the Munsters Koach on a bet. Determined to win it back, Grandpa constructs his own roadster, the Drag-u-la, to beat 'Leadfoot' Baylor at his own game and win back the family's beloved Koach.

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72cmtx9776odcimyks8iifhj4dh 1x37 – Auf Jobsuche

Herman's fired because he asks for a raise.

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Sy8k1tasoifchjok4ntxci5n8el 1x38 – Die Männerfreundschaft

Herman befriends a young boy named Galen Livingston Stewart. At first he has a hard time convincing his family that the boy is real. For Galen it proves even more difficult to prove to his parents he did not imagine 'Uncle Herman' and his family. The Stewarts even hire a German psychiatrist, Dr. Siegfried Leinbach, to examine their boy.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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